Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day One - European Vacation

Brian, Mark and I left for Belgium on Thursday evening.  Flight to Heathrow was smooth as silk.  A few hours layover in London and then on to Brussels....our soon-to-be base!  Surprisingly, there was no lines at Customs and soon we found Randy waiting for us; ready to carry all my bags!

Relaxed at home in Lasne for the rest of the day Friday.  Cooked chicken on the grill and then a  nice walk around the neighborhood.  Randy says you don't see people just out walking around the neighborhood around here.   Well, I'll have to change THAT!  I've posted some pictures from our walk.  We live on Chemin de la Brire.  We are on a small  hill so we have a lovely view out the back of the property facing Southwest.  Many of the houses in the neighborhood are quaint brick homes.  A real French influence in their style and even in their gardens.  Someone owns the work horses pictured.  Not sure what type they are (if anyone knows what they are, please advise).  They sure add to the beautiful landscape.

More to come from Lasne area on Saturday.   We are going to drive around after everyone is up and recovered from jet lag.  Randy is going to show us the Chateau de la Hulpe which is not in Lasne but one of the bordering towns.  Expect pictures with clouds.  That's the norm around here!


  1. Janet, Derick, and I looked at and read the blog today. love seeing the photos. Keep 'em coming. Hope you get a bit of sun.

  2. I am going to thoroughly enjoy living vicariously through your adventures. Love the house and gardens. What photo ops! Keep 'em coming!
